
  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a safe, alternative method for treating a variety of conditions, including but not limited to pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, autoimmune disorders, side effects of cancer therapy, hormone balance, sexual health, menstrual disorders, pregnancy support, and more. Neurotransmitters such as opioids and serotonin may be activated through these points to encourage nervous system regulation, analgesic effects, hormone and cortisol level balance, and help fight infections. Acupuncture may be used in combination with herbal medicine, moxibustion, gua sha, and/or cupping therapy if deemed necessary.

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture

    Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and natural alternative treatment to younger, healthier skin. Fine needles are placed on the face and throughout the body to help rebuild collagen, promote hydration for brighter looking skin, reduce sagging and puffiness in the face, and decrease the presence of fine lines and wrinkles. This natural cosmetic procedure is based on traditional East Asian medicine to help revitalize the body as a whole, inside and out. Additionally combined with LED light therapy, facial cupping, gua sha, and natural skin care products derived from Chinese herbs. To learn more about cosmetic acupuncture, read here.

  • Micro-Needling

    Micro-needling is the insertion of very fine short needles into the skin to boost collagen and elastin production, improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, acne scars, and enhance skincare product effectiveness. Visible results can be seen just after 1 treatment, however for best results 3-6 treatments is recommended. Results can last up to 5 years with maintenance treatment!

    Treatment is suitable for all skin types.

  • Cupping & Gua Sha

    Also referred to as myofascial decompression therapy, cupping is a modality in which negative pressure is used to create a suction-like formation on the skin by placing clinical cups (often made of glass, plastic, ceramic, bamboo, or rubber) on specific problem areas. This use of negative pressure can help reduce muscle tension, ease pain, increase blood flow, decrease inflammation, and even support respiratory health.

    *Cupping is not suitable for everyone. Certain health restrictions apply.

    Gua sha is a healing modality that involves gently scraping a smooth-edged tool on areas of the body to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, promote collagen production, and ease muscle tension. Scraping against the skin can create a presence of small red spots known as petechiae - these are indications that blood and energy flow are being properly restored under the skin.

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